Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Make this year worth remembering!

    Make this year worth remembering!

    Knowing what you want makes it easier to get it. Pursue your passion and dream big time for this stirs your blood and makes you feel alive. “The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach for. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams…

  • Interview with Harald Lepisk on activating creativity and motivation

    Interview with Harald Lepisk on activating creativity and motivation

    BestJobs.ro interviewed me about creativity and motivation – here´s some of the insights.

  • How to find your passionate purpose?

    How to find your passionate purpose?

    One of the biggest question in life: what is my purpose in life? What am I passionate about? Here´s a simple framework that will help you to bring clarity in those questions: You can download a worksheet for writing down the things you´re good at, things you love and what the world needs. By combining…

  • How to create success?

    How to create success?

    How to find motivation and self-belief to achieve outstanding results? I got some inspiration from Anthony Robbins´ foundation of success and decided to enrich this model with my own tips and ideas on how to manifest more success in your life. This is how the 4 step success model looks like: The concept is simple:…

  • The most inspiring book – which one?

    The most inspiring book – which one?

    During my inspiration workshops people often note that the most inspiring book they have read is Antoine de Saint Exupery´s Little Prince. It´s a deep story made simple. It encourages us to challenge our assumptions and bring more creativity into our lives. If you haven´t read it or you simply want to refresh your memory, then…

  • Online course for young leaders – Creating Inspiration

    Online course for young leaders – Creating Inspiration

    Online personal development course with motivating videos and practical tips  for bringing more inspiration into your life.   If you´re looking for inspiration, then you will find the new online course “Creating Inspiration” very useful for getting practical tips, tactics to: Build your self-confidence, to be completely inspired and not to worry about the small…

  • The most effective creativity techniques for getting fresh ideas

    The most effective creativity techniques for getting fresh ideas

    Creativity is about turning imagination into value. Ignite your imagination and enrich your creative thinking toolbox by applying these simple and effective creativity techniques. Reverse brainstorming – how not to solve the problem Tired of doing routine brainstorms on “how to get more clients” or “how to get more sales” etc? Turn it around and brainstorm on…

Got any book recommendations?